Who can register?
Anyone can
register for the walk-a-thon. Please refer to the instructions form for more
information. We encourage and hope for your participation.
How do I register?
Please refer
to the instructions form to complete registration. If you have questions or
need more information, please call Bob Lefever at 908-285-6320 or call the
Readington Reformed Church office at 908-534-2077. To register online go to www.readingtonreformed.org or www.familypromisehc.org and click on the Walk-a-thon link.
Do I have to register online?
No. You can
complete the registration form and take it to the RRC office with the
registration fee prior to April 15,2019the forms and fees can also be mailed
to PO Box 1, Readington NJ 08870.
When is the last date to register for the
You can
pre-register up to April 15,2019. After that date, registration can be completed
the day of the event. T-shirts will be provided for all pre-registered. Availability
for walk-ins as supply warrants.
Where do I check-in for the walk-a-thon?
will be done from 9:00 – 10:00 am on the day of the walk-a-thon at the table in
the pavilion. It will be done alphabetically by your last name. You will
receive your welcome packet of materials and T-shirt at that time. Walk-ins
will receive a T-shirt as supply warrants and their welcome packet of materials
at that time as well.
Do I have to walk the whole route?
You only
walk what you are physically comfortable with walking. The pledges are a lump
sum donation, not based on a distance or time.
Is the route paved?
The route is
Is this a race?
This is not
a race. There will be no prizes for finishing first.
How long is the route?
The route
will be six loops resulting in ~3 miles.
How long will the walk take?
The walk
will start at 10:00 am. The average walker completes a mile in 20 minutes, thus
completing the walk-a-thon in about an hour.
Can I bring my pet?
walk-a-thon committee would prefer if pets were not involved in this event.
What if it rains?
This is a
rain or shine event.
Are there bathrooms?
Yes. Bathrooms
are available at Pickell Park.
Will there be food available?
water and breakfast bars will be provided for each participant.
Are there prizes/raffles?
There will
be prizes for the top three pledge donations collected on the day of the
walk-a-thon. All participants will be entered into a raffle during check-in to
be drawn at the completion of the walk.
When do I turn in my pledge money?
Your pledge
form and money are turned in on the day of the walk-a-thon when you check-in
and receive your welcome packet of materials and T-shirt.
What if I didn’t collect all my pledge money?
Pledge money
not collected prior to the walk-a-thon can be taken to the RRC office any time
after the day of the walk-a-thon or mailed to the office at PO Box 1,
Readington, NJ 08870. We encourage pledge money to be collected at the time of
the pledge.
How do I make out the check?
You can make
all checks payable to “Readington Reformed Church”.
Can I make out just one check?
You can make
out one check for all of the pledges if you would like. This is not required.
Make all checks payable to “Readington Reformed Church”.
What if I
want to mail the checks/forms to the office?
You can mail
registration forms/checks to the office at RRC up to April 15,2019 at PO Box 1,
Readington, NJ 08870. All other forms/checks should be turned in at the
Check-In table the day of the event. Any pledges not turned in at the event can
be mailed to the RRC office at PO Box 1, Readington, NJ 08870.
Where do the proceeds go?
The net
proceeds for the walk-a-thon benefit Family Promise of Hunterdon County and the
preservation and ministry of historic Readington Reformed Church. For more
information on either of these organizations, please see the information packet
on the registration site, the welcome packets received during check-in or at
their respective websites; www.familypromisehc.org and www.readingtonfreformed.org.
Can I just make a donation?
Yes. Any
donations can be made at anytime. Donations can be made during the day of the
walk-a-thon or turned into the RRC office or mailed to PO Box 1, Readington, NJ
Are my donations tax deductible?
Yes, the
donations are tax deductible.
Who should I ask to be a sponsor/make
friends and family. A letter is
available to send to out of state friends and family. See the
registration materials for the form. Forms will also be available at the RRC
Where is Pickell Park?
Pickell Park
is located on Route 523 in Whitehouse Station, NJ. Directions from RRC: Turn
right out of the RRC parking lot onto Readington Road heading toward Hillcrest
Road. Readington Road becomes Route 620. Continue on Route 620 until it ends at
Route 523. Turn right onto Route 523/Main Street and continue for ~0.8 miles.
Turn left onto Mountain Road. Pickell Park will be on the left.
Is there parking at Pickell Park?
There are parking lots available.
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